NERD SOCIETY Acheivements!

Thalingi Electrification:

A remote tribal village with 104 houses has been electrified with biogas based electrification system. The tribal village has no possibilities of electrification in the near future since it is located in the interior forest, 6 kms away from the Udumalpet' Munnar Main Road. Their main income generation is cattle rearing. Now they are able to make use of cattle dung for power generator in an environmental friendly way. They are also able to practice organic farming by making use of digested slurry obtained through the biogas plant. The generator is run by 100% biogas without a drop of diesel (petrol). Further the system is maintained by the women self-help group, Youth self-help group and Federation of Thalingi Tribal Village.

The society has installed about 10,650 biogas plant during the last 27 years.

The NERD society has installed 12 night soil linked demonstration biogas plants in 12 districts of Tamil Nadu State to meet the lighting and pumping energy need of Women and sanitary complexes run by the SHG's. Through the promotion of night soil linked biogas plants, the SHG is not only able to maintain the toilet with the renewable energy sources but also selling the organic manure obtained from such biogas plant.

Solar Cooker:

The society has installed about 550 solar cookers for meeting the cooking demands of various institutions and organizations.

Solar lantern:

The society had installed about 365 solar lanterns mainly for tribal population, where there is no electricity at all.

Improved Smokeless Chulha Programme:

Through the Improved Smokeless Chulha Program, the society has installed about 95000 smokeless Chulhas benefiting landless poor labourers, Small and marginal farmers, urban poor and tribal population.

Self Help Groups:

The society has promoted about 4120 women and youth self help groups benefiting about 60,000 families of below poverty lines.

Watershed Development:

The society has undertaken watershed development programme for conservation of soil and water in 1850 hectare of land in Annur block of Coimbatore district.

Waste Management:

Door to door segregated waste collection has been introduced in 12,500 houses of Vadavalli Town Panchayat by the 4 scarceness women self-help groups of Rajiv Gandhi nagar.

Vermi composting:

The society has established about 150 Vermi composting units in farm holdings and are bigger unit with a capacity of 10 tons/day vermi-compost manure production in Vadavalli Town Panchayat.

Production of Bio- fertilizes / Bio- pesticides:

Four self-help groups have been trained and involved in the production and marketing of bio-fertilizes / bio-pesticides.

Life Insurance Cover to Sitas:

About 11,400 SHG members have been covered so for under life protection schemes.


The NERD society has established 16 Eco-Clubs in schools for training of students in energy and environment.

Seminar/ Ware shops / Conference:

The NERD society has conducted 42 seminars / workshops / conferences for the benefit of Govt. Staffs / NGOs / Banking /Education institutions / Public.

Training Programme & Income generating activities:

Through skill development training programmes, the SHGs have started income generating activities like computer centre, tailoring, beautician centres, bakeries, canteen, handloom weaving, cattle rearing, food processing, smokeless chulha, assembling of solar lanterns etc.